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Ladies 40+ You NEED to attend this talk!

 To Menopause & Beyond:

What your Mother Won't Tell You and Your Friends Can't

Including how to get fit, lose weight, feel energised, and live life with more vitality!

Weds 8th March 7:30pm - Live on Zoom

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Let me ask you 2 simple questions:

  1. Do you want to live long enough to see your children and your grandchildren grow up? 🙋‍♀️

  2. Do you also want to be fit and healthy enough to chase your grandchildren around the park without feeling terrified that you are going to fall over or pee your pants?  🙋‍♀️

This talk will open your eyes and bust some HUGE myths!

   This talk is for you if you:

  • want to know more about the menopause so that you don't feel absolutely lost and clueless when you start to experience symptoms

  • are in perimenopause, the time leading up to menopause, when your hormones are going crazy causing a myriad of symptoms and you want to know what you can do to feel more energised and like your normal self

  • are post menopause and want to know what you can do NOW to improve your health and well being

  • are struggling with continence issues and want to prevent those embarrassing leaks.

  • have, or are terrified of developing osteoporosis and becoming frail and dependent on others

  • HATE exercise and want some quick, simple exercise ideas you can do at home without even stepping foot in a gym.

Spaces are limited, so register now!

You will learn:

  • Why HRT is NOT the magical silver bullet and complete solution to menopause symptoms everyone is expecting it to be.

  • Why your 40s is the CRITICAL decade during which you can make a significant impact on your overall long term health and well being.

  • Why eating less is making you fat.

  • Why hours of cardio WON'T help you lose weight.

  • Why peeing yourself when you cough or laugh is NOT normal and why you don’t have to accept it.

  • Why osteoporosis is the new pandemic and how you can avoid it.

  • The most important exercise you SHOULD be doing to maintain and build your strength irrespective of age.

  • Plus so much more!

Spaces are limited, so register now!

So who am I, and why should you listen to me?

I’m Nicky Edwards, a Physiotherapist, Emotional Change Therapist and Professional Public Speaker. I am a 42yr old female going through the hormonal rollercoaster of perimenopause just like millions of women around the world. I have a specialist interest in peri/menopause and female specific nutrition and training. I have invested thousands of pounds and countless hours learning from the best experts from around the world. I have merged the 'best bits' into a 90 minute talk that is easy to digest and implement right away so that you are not overwhelmed and feel even more lost and confused. 

I am an experienced speaker about the menopause and what YOU can do to optimise your long term physical and mental health and minimise the symptoms of menopause. 

I am mum to my gorgeous two children age 5 and 12. I play hockey and am a crazy runner who loves a race medal 😍 and running for charity. I have run the New York Marathon and London marathon 3 times, and about to run for the fourth time on 23rd April 2023. 

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Not to be missed - an Informative & Inspirational Talk!

Spaces are limited, so register now!

Here's what previous attendees have said: 

"Nicky's talks are so funny and informative - it's like a medical comedy!"

"She's not afraid to talk about the embarrassing topics that everyone else avoids. She's open and honest and you can tell she really knows what she is talking about"

"Nicky is so passionate on stage - her no-nonsense approach to such an important taboo subject is so refreshing. It's lovely to see someone 'normal' share their knowledge and experience rather than celebrities with perfect make-up, six-pack abs and an immaculate kitchen to prepare that perfect meal. Nicky is just like you and me, juggling the 'work/life' balance and trying to be the best mum possible, you feel connected and can really relate to her" 

"I highly recommend EVERYONE, men and women, listen to Nicky's talks. Women may be the one's going through peri/menopause but it's important their partner understands too"

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This webinar is free, but if possible, a suggested donation of £5 to my London Marathon fundraising for Children with Cancer UK via Just Giving would be really appreciated. 

This is a charity very close to my heart as my daughter's friend, Sam Hanson, sadly died just a few weeks before his 8th birthday.


On Sunday 23rd April I will be running the London Marathon for the 4th time. The poignant thing about this London Marathon, is that it would have been Sam's 12th birthday on the day of the race if childhood cancer did not exist.

Spaces are limited, so register now!

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Copyright @NickyEdwards 2024

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