I really DESPISE New Year resolutions with a passion!
They are usually a rush decision to start exercising, lose weight, stop smoking etc, made while drinking a few glasses of Champagne on New Years Eve, with little or no thought as to how such a mammoth task will be achieved. We make grandiose resolutions that we’re not realistic about achieving. It’s no wonder almost 40% give up/fail by “Quitters Day” a couple of weeks later and 80% by mid February, and end up feeling like a failure.
Another problem with resolutions is that they’re often based on negative thinking. We decide we need to lose weight, quit smoking, or start exercising because we think there’s something wrong with us the way we are. This kind of thinking only leads to feelings of low self-esteem and inadequacy.
Resolutions tend to be all-or-nothing propositions. We’re either going to achieve our goal or we’re not. This black-and-white thinking leaves no room for progress or growth. We either stick to our resolution rigidly or we give up on it entirely. If you’re looking to make positive changes in your life, there are better ways to go about it than making a New Year’s resolution. Set realistic goals, focus on the positive, and be flexible in your thinking to allow for growth and progress. You’ll be more likely to achieve your goals – and feel good about yourself in the process.
Exercising more regularly is the most popular New Year Resolution, with almost ½ of all British adults who make a New Year Resolution putting this at the top of their list. Running is the obvious cheap and easy way to start getting active. For the best chance of success, you need to know your ‘Why’.
Why do you want to run? Do you want to:
lose weight?
improve muscle tone?
be able to chase your kids around the park without wheezing like a 40 a day smoker
reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease?
get fitter to live a longer and independent life?
improve your mental health and wellbeing?
boost your confidence?
Knowing your ‘Why’ will help you to focus and motivate yourself as your initial enthusiasm wanes.
Take one day at a time. I don’t believe in ‘falling off the wagon’.
There will always be good days and bad days, and that is ok! It’s completely normal!
Giving yourself a hard time for having a difficult day is self-destructive and demoralising and you will be more likely to give up. By acknowledging, and accepting, that making a change is a rollercoaster of ups and downs and that you have to take the rough with the smooth, you are much more likely to succeed.
If you want help to start running in 2023, join my:
FREE 7 Day ‘Learn To Run' course for women who think they “CAN’T” run by clicking here. For more information about the course, click here. Share with friends and family who you think would also benefit from joining.
Starting on Monday 9th January 2023, the FREE 7 day course includes daily emails with videos covering useful topics such as Finding Your Why; What Kit is Required; Obstacles to Running and how to overcome them; Top Tips for Runners; Common Running Mistakes; Running Technique; and Strength & Conditioning for Runners. Join the Facebook group to ask questions, get support and cheer on others. On Sunday 15th January I’ll go live on Facebook and we’ll all go on a virtual run together.
I went from a complete non-runner when I was in my 30s to a marathon runner in my 40s. I know how hard it is to get started and stay committed. I've made so many mistakes that I can help you avoid. Don't worry if you've tried before and not been successful - I've started and stopped so many times I've lost count!
To join the FREE 7 Day ‘Learn To Run’ course for women who think they “CAN’T” run, click here. For more information about the course, click here. Please share with friends and family who you think would also benefit from joining.
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